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Summer Institute


Library Research Seminar Introduction

The Summer Institute library research seminar will help you develop the college-level research skills necessary to find, analyze, evaluate, and cite resources for your ES 112 Writing Assignment and future college research projects.

By the end of the Library Research Seminar, you should be able to: 

  • Describe how to get research help in person and online at Kennedy Library 

  • Find relevant information sources constructing queries using search term (keyword) strategies and filtering in Kennedy Library’s OneSearch catalog and subscription databases 

  • Analyze the structure/characteristics of information sources, especially scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles 

  • Cite information sources using appropriate citation style guidelines 

Do you need research help?

Your Summer Institute librarians are here to help! Send us an email with your question:

  • Mercedes Rutherford-Patten (she/her): Email Me
  • Kyle Tanaka (he/him): Email Me 
  • Cassandra Swartzwelder (she/her): Email Me 

 If you want a quicker response, use 24/7 Live Chat Help.

Workshop Materials
