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The LibRAT Program: Peer Reference and Basic IL Instruction

The LibRAT Program at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

The LibRAT (Library Research Assistance Technicians) Program at Cal Poly launched in 2010 and is still robust in the 2020s!

This effort to leverage peer learning was piloted in 2010 when LibRATs were stationed in Residence Halls to provide research help.  As they did not receive enough questions to justify this "outpost" effort, beginning in Winter 2011 they were brought back to Kennedy Library to staff the Research Help Desk. In Spring 2011 they began leading basic information literacy instruction sessions to lower division GE courses in English and Communications. The program is alive and flourishing in 2024 - even with the Kennedy Library building closed for a two-year renovation! 

To get a sense of how we have implemented peer learning, please explore the various tabs. The "Publications" tab provides insight into the program's evolution,  pedagogical theory, and ongoing practice.

LibRATs Spring 2023

        LibRATs 2023

LibRATs 2018-19


Drawing By Briana