Kennedy Library provides access to eBooks that are delivered from many different platforms. Our priority is to purchase titles and subject-based collections, when possible, from publishers and providers who allow perpetual access, unlimited users, inter-library lending and few restrictions, if any, on printing and copying.
To support your use of eBooks for research and instruction, please see the tabbed information in this guide which provides detailed information on eBook content, and publisher and provider terms of use.
For detailed information about using library eBooks as instructional materials, please see our Open and Affordable Resources guide.
E-book titles are often available from multiple providers with varying terms of service. We always purchase on a DRM-free platform with unlimited simultaneous users if possible; if the book is only available on a DRM-controlled platform, we will buy an unlimited-user license if possible; we purchase single-user licenses only if no better model is available.
If you are a faculty or instructor with questions about using an eBook for class or placing it on reserve, contact your College Librarian or Nikki DeMoville.
For issues with printing please contact the Research Help Desk or try our 24 hour chat.
For general help, consult the Ebook Help section of this guide.