Special Collections and University Archives stewards and provides access to the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant Public Document Collection. To learn more, email archives@calpoly.edu or call (805)-756-2305.
What is this collection?
The Diablo Canyon Public Document Collection contains documents related to Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant, including publicly available regulatory guides, NUREG-series reports, inspection reports, Commission documents, correspondence, and other regulatory and technical documents written by NRC staff, contractors, and licensees. Documents created before 2000 are in print or on microfiche. Print documents are available at Special Collections and Archives on the 4th Floor, and microfiche may be requested at the Research Help Desk. Most documents can be searched using ADAMS, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) database.
Who can use it?
The collection is available to everyone--both the Cal Poly community and the general public. The NRC established its Local Public Document Room program to provide information to anyone living near a nuclear facility.
What is interesting about it?
Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant has played an important role in the history and natural history of San Luis Obispo County. The site has been extensively studied, producing large quantities of information on the geology and ecology of the area. The plant has also been, and continues to be, the object of tremendous controversy, resulting in many protests, hearings, and appeals; the controversy has also played an important role in the development of local environmental groups and remains an aspect of local politics and culture.