(2014)This article provides an in-depth exploration of the history of peer reference and instruction in academic libraries and argues for a wider adoption of both, based on the literature and on the LibRAT experience.
(2013)This conference proceeding from ACRL 2013 specifically addresses the pedagogical advantages of having undergraduates leading sessions alone, without librarians hovering in the wings.
(2021) Brett Bodemer and Kaila Bussert, Chapter in Training Research Consultants: A Guide for Libraries, ed., Mary K. O’Kelly, Association of College & Research Libraries.
(2017) Brett Bodemer. This two page essay describes how libraries can learn so much from students by working closely with them in peer learning programs. C&RL News, 77. 7: 347.
(2023) This article outlines how peer reference is a natural progression in library services, and describes adjustments made for COVID and library building renovation closures. Reference Services Review Vol. 51, No. 2, pp. 230-246.
(2017) Brett Bodemer. This chapter describes the program in its seventh year of operation. In Peer-Assisted Learning in Academic Libraries, eds., E. Rinto, J. Watts, & R. Mitola, Libraries Unlimited.
CARL 2012 - Thanks to CARL for Creating The Webcast of the Original 2012 Presentation