For our local, historical collection, there are three sets of indexes covering various portions of what we have at Cal Poly. For most research projects, the ADAMS online database is the best location to conduct searching. The local indexes provide the additional capability of browsing through categories of documents related to the power plant.
In 1981, the NRC revised the document classification system. It is a larger, and more extensive system. The Index to Plant-Related Documents and the Title List of Documents Made Publicly Available both group document listings by this classification. After the adoption of the online system, ADAMS, in 1999 the classification system was abandoned.
Click on the link below to get a pdf copy of the newer classifications:
Between the years 1972 through 1981, the NRC assigned each and every letter and document to a category in their original classification system. Cal Poly's paper documents are grouped by that classification system. Click on the link below to get a pdf copy of the classification system.