These simple tips will save you time and heartache!
1) LOG into your Cal Poly Portal first. This is best practice for getting to expensive, subscribed resources.
2) DO NOT!!! Argghhh! Oh, the Pain! DO NOT!!!! email yourself urls from the browser - these are designed to BREAK! Either email yourself results or store pdfs and results on your device.
3) MLA: do NOT trust the auto-generated MLA citations. Use them but know that you will need to MASSAGE them to get them right.
4) MLA: the OWL at Purdue is a great online site for MLA help, and MLA guides are available in the library, both on permanent reserves and at the Research Help Desk on the 2nd floor.
5) Where can you get help? 24 hour chat, the Research Help Desk, or the CLA Librarian (contact info on "Dive In" page of this guide.)