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Quickly find Statistics on Government Sites

Add the word      


to any keyword search and then add the following site and filetype tricks.  For example:

                 traffic accidents statistics filetype:pdf

Remember, no space between the colons, and don't forget the period before  gov  or edu

Specify by domain and/or filetype

If you want ONLY results from a government site, end your keyword search with

If you want ONLY results from an educational site, end your keyword search with

(Note: no spaces between colons and be sure to include the  period after the colon)

                   Example:    homelessness mental health


To get ONLY results with pdfs, end your keyword search with       filetype:pdf

To get ONLY results with powerpoints, end your keyword search with      filetype:ppt

(Note: no spaces between colon, and do NOT include the period for filetype)


                  Example:  homelessness mental health filetype:pdf


You also can powerfully COMBINE these limiters and get some really targeted results.

for example :     homelessness mental health filetype:ppt         

                          this will will give you ppts from education sites


or :                    homelessness mental health filetype:pdf      

                          this will drill deep into  government information