For questions regarding library services or access to library materials: Use 24/7 live chat help, call 805-756-5760, or email us at
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There are two main library service points, located in Crandall Gym (bldg. 60) and Graphic Arts (bldg. 26). Research Help, Data and GIS help, e-reserves help and small tech checkout are available in Crandall. Special Collections provides service in Graphic Arts. This page provides precise details of the hours, collections and services provided at each location.
Crandall Gym Service Point (Bldg 60, room 100)
Collections Available in Crandall
Technology Available for use in Crandall
Small Tech Items Available for Short-Term Checkout in Crandall
Seating in Crandall
Graphic Arts Service Point (Bldg 26, room 110F):
In addition to these service points, library administrators and librarians are in Chase Hall (Bldg 115).
Maps and more information on the transformation project can be found below.