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Citation Help and Annotated Bibliographies

This guide is to provide information on citation and annotated bibliographies, with basic information on the landing page and more specialized information on appended pages.

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Should I cite a database?

It is rarely helpful to cite a database (because most works are discoverable via more than one database). 

APA Style Guidance on Citing Databases 

An exception is when the database contains proprietary information that cannot be accessed in another way, such as some of the business resources Cal Poly subscribes to (such as MRI Simmons). 

Guidance on how to cite such sources is not as detailed as for other kinds of information, so in some cases you (or your instructor) must choose an approach, with the goal of presenting enough information for the reader to locate your source material.  

Example: For MRI Simmons reports, you can follow APA guidelines for a dataset.  Examples are linked on this external library page: