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Political Science 420,426,427,451,452

About This Guide For POLS 420,426,427,451 & 452

The content for this guide was developed by Dr. Shelley Hurt and research assistant JT Hussey to specifically support the needs of POLS 420,426,427,451 and 452.  Some resources are linked directly for access via library subscriptions while many others go to a wide array of Internet sites.  If you find any links that do not work, please contact CLA Librarian Brett Bodemer so he can keep the guide in fine fettle.  His email is:  

On this landing page you will find links to many sources of public opinion polls.  Few of the below are licensed by Kennedy Library and not all content will be fully available but still plenty of great polling data to search and explore!

Immediately below are two brief videos that can help you navigate library-licensed resources.