The LibGuides Open Review Discussion Sessions (LORDS) Project works towards cultivating a community across California State University Libraries that provides space for critique, conversation, and criticality.
With the aim to form a peer-to-peer network throughout the California State University system, LORDS works to establish local review sessions at each of the California State University Libraries, as well as bring practitioners together to have conversations about their work and methods of reference. This work is lead by the CSU Digital Publishing Interest Group, specifically jaime ding, Dana Ospina at Dominguez Hills, Melissa Seelye at San Francisco State, and Alyssa Loera at Cal Poly Pomona.
CSU Wide Toolkit
The following links provide the documents that may help inform and guide local and multi-campus LibGuide Open Review Discussion Sessions. These documents were compiled and written by jaime ding, January 2020, with edits from the LORDS team, and Zach Vowell.
LORDS has been discussed and presented at the following organizations and conferences:
- "LibGuides Open Review Discussion Sessions." (Link to recorded short talk and session demonstration.) Open Access Conference: It Matters How We Open Knowledge - Building Structural Equity. San Jose State University, October 29, 2021.
- "An invitation to discuss the LibGuides Open Review Discussion Sessions (LORDS)." (link to video recording) 2021 CSU DigitalRepositories Meeting, July 13, 2021.
- "Transforming Our Libraries for Everyone" Panel. June 23, 2021. ALA Annual Conference 2021.
- "Cultivating Change In California: Decoding and Deconstructing Racial Barriers in Libraries" June 2, 2021. Diversity in Academic Libraries Interest Group (DIAL), CARL.
- Council of Library Deans, California State University Consortium, Fall 2020 and Spring 2021.
- Critical Pedagogy Symposium May 17, 2021. METRO, ACRL/NY
- Updating LibGuides with an Anti-Racist Framework: A Reflection (link to guest blog post). March 28, 2021. Teaching Special Interest Group of ARLIS/NA.
- "We Had to Start Somewhere: Applying the AntiRacist LibGuide Framework Created by Jaime Ding and the Cal Poly Team" (link to program) March 8, 2021.
Library Association of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Annual Conference.
- "Implementing anti-racist practices across the scholarly communication lifecycle.” (link to recorded webinar panel) December 10, 2020.
Scholarly Communication and Open Resources for Education (SCORE), CARL.
- "Updating LibGuides with an Anti-Racist Framework" (link to recorded webinar). August 31, 2020.
Association of Southeastern Libraries.