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Inclusive Excellence: Resources for Learning About Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This guide is designed for all Cal Poly students, staff, and faculty to become familiar with important issues regarding inclusive excellence.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

This guide has been designed to provide information on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DE&I). 

“This guide was created by CalPoly librarians and library staff, student assistants from our Special Collections and Archives.

The Pedagogy section contains links to practical resources that provide information and strategies to assist with implementing diversity, equity, and inclusion directly into instruction and the classroom. 

Finally, take a look at our subject specific tabs to learn more about how to support these populations or to find resources on our campus. 


Contact Us and Guide Credits

This guide was created by CalPoly librarians and staff, student assistants from our Special Collections and Archives. Content for this guide comes from other library guides including USC. Special giant thanks to Boise State University for their help:

Please contact Mark Bieraugel ---with any suggestions you have for this guide. We'd love to make it better with your help! This guide is a work in progress, and it is in no way complete.