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Searching for sources that are not digitized

University Archives Register

The first place to begin your search for primary sources in University Archives is the University Archives Register, which lists the majority of collections in University Archives.

Link to University Archives Register

Collection-level finding aids

Some of the collections listed in the register have their own inventories. These inventories describe what is in the collection, to a box or folder-level description. 

Here are collections in University Archives that have folder-level inventories:

If you find a collection in University Archives that you would like to research, please contact archives staff to schedule an appointment and request the collection, box, or folder you would like to look at.

Tips to searching these collections for International Students:

  • Determine who was university president at the time you are studying. Look through their collection to see what might be of interest. 
  • Try the following keywords:
    • name of country
    • name of funding agency or program
    • "international" or "foreign" 
    • by year of interest
    • by college or major
  • If you find a club, search the ASI Club Records to see if there are records relating to that club.