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Finding Tests in PsycINFO

Enter your search term in one left-hand box, and leave the right hand box in (Select A Field) Optional

Then enter the word "appended" (without quotes), and using the right hand box pull-down, select TM Tests & Measures


When you scan your search results, scroll to the bottoms of the records to see what tests and measures are included in the article!

Search tips for PsycINFO

The PDF below will give you tips for finding more articles about your subject in PsycINFO.  It also gives tips for narrowing your results by:

  • age group
  • date
  • full-text
  • peer-reviewed

It will also help you find:

  • Review articles
  • Tests and Measures

 and much much more!

Using Citations in Articles to Find More Articles

PsycINFO is a great database for easily learning:

1) how many times an article has been cited in other articles

2) linking you to those articles


Why is this important?  If an article has been cited numerous times it is an indicator that it is either original or authoritative, or both.

How does it help you?  You can not only find more articles, but you can find GOOD articles and get a sense of who the experts are.

If this sounds strange to you, it is familiar to you in another context: one of the most important ranking factors in the results of a Google Search is how many sites are linked to a site, and how many people have visited it!

If you have an article and want to see how many times it is cited in the Web of Science,)you can go to the Web of Science, and select at the top for a citation search, then enter the author name and article title.