Web of Science (Core Collection)This link opens in a new windowWeb of Science (Core Collection) provides a single search across Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Science Citation Index, and Social Sciences Citation Index. Additional Web of Science databases are easily accessible.
CABI: CAB Abstracts and Global Health (Web of Science)This link opens in a new windowCAB Abstracts provides research information on agriculture and related applied life sciences, including Agriculture, Animal Health, Forestry, Human Health and Nutrition, and Natural Resources Management. Global Health from CABI is the definitive international public health database.
AGRICOLA (EBSCOhost)This link opens in a new windowAGRICOLA is a comprehensive index to journal articles, book chapters, theses and more in the field of agriculture. Disciplines covered include food & human nutrition, agricultural engineering & technology, earth & environmental sciences.
BIOSIS Previews (Web of Science)This link opens in a new windowIndex to life sciences and biomedical research from journals, meetings, books, and patents. Covers pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more. Includes BIOSIS indexing and enhanced MeSH disease terms.
GeoRef (Engineering Village)This link opens in a new windowThis comprehensive geoscience database covers topics in economic geology, environmental and engineering geology, geophysics, hydrology, paleontology, petrology, marine geology and oceanography, and mineralogy. Indexed content includes journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports, and theses.
The geology of North America is covered from 1666 to the present, and global coverage dates back to 1933. Access also includes GeoRef In Process.
Treesearch - Forest Service Research PublicationsThis link opens in a new windowTreesearch is an online system for sharing free, full text publications by Research and Development scientists in the US Forest Service. Included in Treesearch are scholarly works published by the agency as well as those published by others, including papers appearing in journals, conference proceedings, or books. All publications appearing in Treesearch are based on peer-reviewed research.
Google ScholarThis link opens in a new windowOff campus users: To avoid CAPTCHA errors during peak times, use VPN for access. Google Scholar allows you to simultaneously search scholarly content across many disciplines, databases, and information sources. Results can include books, articles, chapters, conference proceedings, and more. Tips on using Google Scholar are available here.
An excellent overview of how to read an article - includes a template for taking notes.
By Mary Purugganan, Ph.D. and Jan Hewitt, Ph.D. of Rice University